
OPTIONAL: Use these materials to evaluate the impact of this toolkit.

BEFORE doing the toolkit activities, take the Pre-toolkit Survey.

AFTER completing the activities, take the Post-toolkit Survey.

 Toolkit Instructions

Step 1: Find a partner who wants to do better in school

Choose someone you can relate and talk to.

OPTIONAL: If you want to evaluate the impact of this toolkit, you will need to complete the pre-toolkit survey before doing the toolkit activities and the post-toolkit survey after doing the activities.

Step 2: Identify one another’s superpowers (15 min.)

What values, skills, strengths, relationships, and other qualities does your partner already have that will help them succeed at school?

Tell them! Be generous and honest. Suggest that your partner write down the superpowers you list.

Then ask your partner to return the favor and tell you what superpowers you have to help you do better academically. Write down the superpowers your partner lists.

Step 3: Plot a path to yourself in the future (30 min.)

On your own, follow the steps in the “My Path” activity below or here to make a plan for becoming the kind of person you want to be in the future. Save or print your “My Path” answers.

Step 4: Discuss your ‘My Path’ answers with one another (15 min.)

Do not criticize or doubt your or your partner’s “My Path” answers. Instead, read the answers closely and offer encouragement.

Step 5. Share your story here (optional)

Describe your experiences using this toolkit on the Stories From the Field page. We may contact you and ask to feature your story on this website.

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